Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January BJP progress II

Hello all! I've made a little progress since last week. To be exact, 4 hours of embroidery yesterday afternoon while watching Farscape on DVD. :-)

First of all, I want to give credit to the inspiration for the type of bead embroidery I'm using for this piece. Joanne Teague of ThistleDew for you has what I consider a unique technique of attaching beads to a base. I know techniques aren't copyrighted, but giving a shout out is always appreciated.

So, here's what I did......

Attach the beads one at a time along the center edge of the desired shape. I had a black like as well, so included that before doing the outer edge of the shape.

Outline the outer edge of the shape and begin to fill in the interior. Basically, coloring with beads! 

Look at the back! It looks totally different than the short line segments I'm used to.

This is as far as I got. It's more ambitious than I intended, but I like the results so far.

Things I've learned this time:

1. Joanne Teague is a wonderful artist.
2. I have no idea if this is faster than normal or not.
3. The back looks funky.
4. There seems to be much less shrinkage than normal for me. (It could be that I unconsciously kept the tension looser?)
5. Farscape is still amazing, especially if you're a Jim Henson fan.
6. You guys are great for commenting and giving support!


  1. Your talents never cease to amaze!

  2. Keep posting I will enjoy watching the work progress. Make sure to give my old eyes a close-up.

  3. Liking what I'm seeing so far Tamara!
