Friday, February 10, 2017

New Listing and a Painting and a Mug Shot

Hi. I got a new phone for Christmas! This will be the second post I've made with it. I couldn't successfully do that on my old one, which is a bummer since it's such a convenient blogging and everything thing else imaginable miniature computer. Asimov would be proud.

So, using my fancy new phone, I've skipped the middleman of using the desktop for photo editing and listed something new to you in my Etsy shop:

Maroon and Teal Bangles. Made with Cubic Right Angle Weave.

 And I also made a painting the other day:

Drip Coffee

Conversation between me and my assistant manager the other day.

ASM: What have you been doing lately, Tamara?
Me: I just painted a lady being pelted by coffee beans and hiding under an umbrella.
ASM: I would have been using a bucket to collect them instead.

Maybe she's right. I used old gift cards for the background and based the composition off of a couple artists, one of them being Aaron Kraten. If you've never heard of him, check out his website. He's one of the few artists whose work I would love to own. ♡♡♡

And now I get to enjoy a neon colors dress up day at work! Am I ridiculous enough?

Cringe worthy grimace there. Yikes!

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